Friday 23 November 2012

Image manipulation

I have struggled with these sessions, firstly with which image/ advert to choose and then what to actually change or write on the image to change it. Graphics has never really been my strong point but I have given it a good go.
This is the first image that I have done:
This is what the image originally look like:
The idea was to subtly change the image so I tried something that people may not think was not right when they first looked at it but would realise a bit after. I played about with apple and android as apple were the first to start with the developments in technology but no android have started to catch them up and rival their products.

This is the second image that I have done:
This is how the original one looked:

When looking at these the differences probably aren't even noticeable until you look at the images for a while. The two things that I have changed on the image are the price of the fuel and the number plate of the car. These now show what petrol prices will be in the year of 2042 if prices keep going up as they are. 
These are the best pieces of work that I have done in graphics but I gave what we had to do a good go and don't think that the outcomes were to bad.

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