Monday 15 April 2013

Difference between Disney & Grimm

Snow White
In the original - the Queen requests the lungs and liver (as well as the heart) of Snow White to eat for dinner that night.
In the original - Snow White is not awakened by a kiss from the prince (like the Disney version) - she is awakened when she is jostled by the horse on which her coffin is being carried by the prince

In Grimm's fairy tale, the Wicked Queen does not want Snow White's heart. She wants Snow White's lungs and liver. When the boar's insides are brought to her, she boils them and eats them, thinking that they are Snow White's.

In Grimm's fairy tale, it takes three attempts to kill Snow White. Each time, the Wicked Queen uses the same disguise, so Snow White must not be too smart.

In Grimm's fairy tale, there are dwarfs and they do put Snow White into a glass coffin. However, a prince does not come and kiss her. A prince comes and he thinks that the body is beautiful, so he wants it. It is only when servants drop the coffin that the piece of poison apple dislodges from Snow White's throat and she is brought back to life.

Also, in Grimm's fairy tale, the Wicked Queen does not get chased off of a cliff. Instead, she makes it back to her castle. She is then invited to Snow White's wedding. When she gets there, she is forced to wear a pair of red-hot iron shoes. She is forced to dance in these shoes until she drops dead.

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